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Breathing In Delhi As Dangerous As Smoking 10 Cigarettes Daily
0 Reply's, Recent Post by Raffy on 6/7/2015 12:06:34 PM

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Breathing In Delhi As Dangerous As Smoking 10 Cigarettes Daily
6/7/2015 12:06:34 PM

Breathing In Delhi As Dangerous As Smoking 10 Cigarettes Daily

Delhi is India’s most polluted city. According to a WHO report, Delhi’s air pollution has worsened since 2011 putting people at higher risk of heart stroke, lung disease and cancer. Experts say, breathing in Delhi’s air for 24 hours is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes a day.

The 2014 report of the Ambient Air Pollution (AAP) database contains results of outdoor air pollution monitoring from almost 1600 cities in 91 countries.

The situation is so bad in Delhi that its air has PM2.5 concentrations of 153 micrograms and PM10 concentrations of 286 micrograms–much more than the permissible limits, says the WHO.

Two crore people who are in the ambit of Delhi’s polluted air, are likely to suffer nasal, respiratory and chronic diseases. The affect is much higher among children.

According to ‘Heal Foundation’, four out of 10 children in Delhi are suffering from lung problems. A lung screening test children between the age group of 10-14 reveals that 21% of them have weaker lungs as compared to Mumbai and Bangalore where the numbers are 13% and 14% respectively.

The increasing level of pollution in Delhi is a serious concern as highlighted by many environment agencies and it is important to implement proper policy framework on the issues relating to environment and pollution.


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