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Aspirin lowers risk of stroke and heart attacks, new study finds
0 Reply's, Recent Post by Raffy on 8/26/2014 4:02:06 PM

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Aspirin lowers risk of stroke and heart attacks, new study finds
8/26/2014 4:02:06 PM

Aspirin lowers risk of stroke and heart attacks, new study finds

A new study has revealed that lower doses of aspirin lowers the occurrence of new venous blood clots.

According to the study, low-dose aspirin can help to prevent new venous blood clots and other cardiovascular events among people at risk who have previously suffered from blood clot.

Lead researcher Professor John Simes, of the University of Sydney, said the treatment effect of aspirin is less effective than with warfarin or other new generation direct thrombin inhibitors, which can achieve more than an 80% reduction in adverse circulatory and cardiopulmonary events.

However, aspirin represents a useful treatment option for patients who are not candidates for anticoagulant drugs because of the expense or the increased risk of bleeding associated with anticoagulants.

Researchers found that compared to placebo patients, those who took 100mg daily of aspirin had a one-third reduction in the risk of, thromboembolism, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism, myocardial infarction (heart attack).

However, long-term anticoagulant drugs are expensive and inconvenient, requiring frequent regular blood tests and adjustments to the dosage.

Furthermore, there is an elevated risk that the treatment could cause bleeding in some patients. For people who are not able to cope with this, the viable alternative of taking regular aspirin will be a great benefit.

The scientists added that aspirin will be ideal in  countries where prolonged anticoagulant treatment is too expensive. A major benefit of this treatment is its cost-effectiveness, as the drug is cheap and will save treatment costs of the many recurrent clots that are prevented. This could mean a saving of millions of healthcare dollars worldwide.


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