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Petrol bunk Fraud 1 5/26/2013 2:23:14 AM
Petrol bunk Fraud 1:
When you go for petrol bunk to get Five liters of Oil,
If ask the boy for Five liters, first he will provide youonly One liter. Oil meter will show 1 unit
When you ask him, it should be five liters!!!!, the boy willready for remaining oil.
The same time another person will make you busy by talkingsomething.
By the time the boy will fill the oil. When you see the oilmeter, it will show Four units.
1. 1. You ask for Five liters
2. 2. First he will fill one liter only
3. 3. Now again meter should start from zero for otherfour liters but
4. 4. They will continue from 1 – 4. Means threeliters only, totally four liters.
a. The boy will not reset the meter after firstliter
5. 5. But you will pay for five liters.
Be careful